Alumni of Akmil 92 Distribute Thousands of Food Packages

Mojokerto – Thousands of food packages distributed by the Academy’s alma mater
Military in 1992. The Alma mater of the Akmil, consists of several officers
TNI and Polri, one of which is the East Java Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Nico Afianta and Colonel Inf Unang Sudargo.
The division was centered in the Trowulan Grand Pendopo, Kabupaten Trowulan
Mojokerto, East Java. Monday, March 28, 2022.
Danrem revealed that there were at least 1,320 food packages currently available
This is distributed to orphans and underprivileged people in the area
City and Regency of Mojokerto. “This activity is held simultaneously”
throughout Indonesia,” he said.
Even though it’s not much, Colonel Unang hopes that the assistance will be available later
lighten the burden on the recipients of the food packages. “What else now pandemic. Hopefully the help can be used for the purposes everyday,” he explained.
Not to forget, socialization about health protocols was also carried out during this time
the distribution of the food packages was underway. Not only that, activities
This is also marked by the planting of dozens of tree seedlings in around the Pendopo Agung Trowulan area.
“The existence of this planting so that it can be used as an example by the community to
love the environment,” said Danrem. (PT)


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